Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation

Initial Consultation is the first step when you need to go to the dentist, no matter the problem that you have.

We, at Empire Clinic, understand that going to a dental clinic it’s a scary thing to do and as a result, we do our best to make this an easy procedure for you.

In this first step, we will try to know you better, to make you feel comfortable and to trust that our dentist want’s the best for you.

Book your consultation at Empire Clinic to find out more about our dental clinic and learn about the high-quality services and advanced technology we offer.

The initial consultation is the first contact that you will have with our dentist.

Following this, the doctor will make a diagnosis and establish a treatment plan.

Our consultation has 3 important stages:

Information about the medical history of the patient 

In this step, we will have a talk with our patient, during which the doctor tries to find out the exact reasons for which you need a dentist.

The questions that we will be asking you are:

  • personal data: age, occupation, address
  • personal medical history: general illnesses, allergies, current treatments
  • dental history: past dental treatments or conditions
  • information on current suffering: pain, other symptoms of the oral cavity

Objectiv examination

In this paragraph, we will tell you what is an effective examination of the oral cavity. Firstly, an examination of all teeth will be done. Secondly, we will examen the occlusion or „bite” relationships. Thirdly and most important the patient’s oral hygiene. In conclusion, we will exam all areas where you report pain, discomfort, swelling, bleeding, or other symptoms and signs.

Complementary exams

They are indicated by our dentist following the objective examination to observe details that cannot be visualized with the naked eye.

The most important complementary examination is dental radiography.

Establishing the treatment plan

The treatment plan is established after the data form all examinations and according to the patient’s claims and situation.

Obviously, the more complex the case, the more complex the treatment plan will be.

This contains the recommended interventions, structured in phases, duration, and associated costs.

We Accept:
We Accept Medical Cards

Looking for a consultation? make an appointment today!